May 28, 2011.
Expressing the human ecstasy, emotions and logic through photographs. Capturing the world in ways that we admire that is surreal and evokes mysterious happiness.
The Extreme Fine Art Photography starts from line "5" in the "Photography Still" section in this page.
The niche of these Extreme Fine Art Photographs at is,
I. For the first time such photographs have been captured, using three techniques that I have invented / discovered.
II. No one has till now come to know (at least publically) another kind of such photographs - vintage, print, or modern digital.
III. The photographs that have been captured cannot be repeated anymore because of the complex interaction of source light refracted, the subject, and the camera unlike other photographs.
IV. Some of the photographs are essentially paintings with light. One can also call them as photographic paintings. The photographs are the result of the complex interaction of source light, the subject, and the camera. Only after capturing we can see the results that are the photographs. We cannot see them directly with the naked eye.
V. Some of the photographs are the result of the complex interaction of reflected and refracted source light, the subject, and the camera. Only after capturing we can see the results that are the photographs. We cannot see them directly with the naked eye.
VI. No manipulation has been done.
VII. In most cases the single sun, and the single tungsten bulb was the only source light.
VIII. Just as images in the previous centuries were of importance despite their aesthetic flavor is different from today’s images, these photographs here display the aesthetic sense of the modern era yet both the centuries old images, and these photographs have the same aesthetic credibility, thus, these photographs are different enough to define themselves as being of modern aesthetic culture and sense.