Saturday, October 24, 2015

Purchasing My Fine Art Photography Works

You can directly see the photographs at

October 25, 2015, You can buy my extreme fine art photography for collection and decoration purposes. As you have seen here these extreme fine art photographs are captured for the first time in the world, this constitutes 2 new genres of art introduced for the first time in the world. In fact, your contribution to these art works would be historical as you will be still the one of the first buyers of these 2 new genres of arts. If you see the present and past art movements in the world and if you understand and appreciate art, you would definitely want to be an integral part to contributing to those art movement specially in their initial stage, and to let people see your contribution as well, same is here too, now you have this opportunity of contribute to these 2 newest genres of art work through my photography, and after buying my art works you have the opportunity to sell them later.
For now, I am providing 12 inches x 18 inches unlimited original mono prints to my customers, that is you, for just United States Dollar 1000, as I want my art works to be know as much as possible to people. I am soon producing big original limited mono prints which would also be very good for auctioning and re-selling by you after some time after purchasing from me.
Once you will pay me, the art works will be signed by me and would be physically transported to you within 1 month from the date I will receive the payment.

For direct access, visit,
October 25, 2015, A red eyed cow staring at us from the eerie night, giving us a message of nature's super-natural powers. In the left is an other-worldly squid-like creature, resulting into a collage representing nature's mystic and power.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Contents and Updates

May 9, 2012.
Contents and Updates.
1. Buying My Fine Art Photography Works.
2. Portraits Photography Service.
3. Activities Links.
4. Introduction To Extreme Fine Art Photography.
5. Photographer.
6. Photography Still.
7. Contacts.

For seeing all the contents of this web-site, maneuver through the links in the right of this page, go through the dates mainly to access, as all the contents may not be visible in one single page.

For now I have opened this blog and stored my photographs in Flickr, as these companies are veteran in their specialization, thus taking good care and quality of my uploaded photographs and search facilities, better than individually made web-sites. I have also heard that one has to periodically provide money to maintain web-sites for cyber space, if the fees is missed, they web-site would be removed, so, I am not taking that risk now, as my main purpose is to provide access to you, rather telling customers to wait for the web-site's maintenance. Now I am a bit tight on money, so used these online tools.

E-mail -

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Portraits Photography Service

July 19, 2012. For portraits, I capture 125 surreal and evocative photographs for Rs.500, these portraits either for individuals or groups are mainly with available light as I want to show people as they are in their environment rather than creating some one they are not. Portraits are charged Rs.5000 to Rs.15000 per theme, but I want that a person who may not be an aspiring model and actor too should be able to enjoy nice photographs of her or him at a less price as she or he may not find investing Rs.5000 to Rs.15000 for portraits for personal or peer group reasons. The reason why people may want good photographs is same as why one would dress nicely, eat good food, or go to an outing, or drive a nice car, people want good experiences in life, people want good quality, and good evocative photographs provide good memories. When we choose some thing we try to show or prove to people and ourselves about us, the feelings associated with our accessories, our books, our friends, our house, our car, our food, our cloths, etc., and the more senses like vision, smell, taste, sound, etc., and in intensity our belongings evoke what we desire to show people and ourselves the better, same applies to photographs as well, because you want to show and impact people with your photographs and activities. My photographs would provide people and your friends this evocative sense of being in the activities that you were doing while I was shooting you, just as some one feels in a movie. You can see my samples the links provided in "Photography Still" section. I am soon uploading my new samples for you.
I use Nikon D 80.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Introduction To Extreme Fine Art Photography

May 28, 2011.

Expressing the human ecstasy, emotions and logic through photographs. Capturing the world in ways that we admire that is surreal and evokes mysterious happiness.

The Extreme Fine Art Photography starts from line "5" in the "Photography Still" section in this page.

The niche of these Extreme Fine Art Photographs at is,

I. For the first time such photographs have been captured, using three techniques that I have invented / discovered.
II. No one has till now come to know (at least publically) another kind of such photographs - vintage, print, or modern digital.
III. The photographs that have been captured cannot be repeated anymore because of the complex interaction of source light refracted, the subject, and the camera unlike other photographs.
IV. Some of the photographs are essentially paintings with light. One can also call them as photographic paintings. The photographs are the result of the complex interaction of source light, the subject, and the camera. Only after capturing we can see the results that are the photographs. We cannot see them directly with the naked eye.
V. Some of the photographs are the result of the complex interaction of reflected and refracted source light, the subject, and the camera. Only after capturing we can see the results that are the photographs. We cannot see them directly with the naked eye.
VI. No manipulation has been done.
VII. In most cases the single sun, and the single tungsten bulb was the only source light.
VIII. Just as images in the previous centuries were of importance despite their aesthetic flavor is different from today’s images, these photographs here display the aesthetic sense of the modern era yet both the centuries old images, and these photographs have the same aesthetic credibility, thus, these photographs are different enough to define themselves as being of modern aesthetic culture and sense.


December 24, 2011.

Well, I started photography since fourteen years, discovering and inventing ways to capture the subject and transforming them into art form, recently invented three new ways of capturing photographs, capturing liquids with light reflected from them, capturing liquids filled in plastic bottles with the light refracting, and capturing the subjects reflected in liquids where the focus on the subjects increases it's variation, all these methods create very unique surreal images that are not visible to the naked eye.
I am interested in the mental processes of the human mind, and to transform the latent mental processes into manifestations in my photographs which are surreal and evokes mysterious happiness.
Now, I am looking for a career in fine art photography, and is inspired by the careers of artists like Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst, and various other fine art photographers, and also movie directors like James Cameron, Christopher Nolan, Michael Bay, and Steven Spielberg, writers, and cinematographers who work with them.
I have sent my photographs to auction companies like Sotheby's, Christies, Bonhams, and Phillip De Pury for their judgement, where I am getting good response, but, they are all saying that, first, I should first establish my primary or gallery market. Phillips De Pury in particular have appreciated my photographs.
It is good that I am contributing a bit just like any one else to fine art photography, or in general to the art world, and thus helping art to in it's evolution.
Other photographs include subjects that can be easily recognized like trees in a blue sky back-ground.
Thank you for visiting, I will be looking for doing business with art and photography enthusiast.

Saturday, May 12, 2007